SEO Consulting

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SEO consulting, also known as SEO expertise, includes services to successfully finalize the website’s campaigns. SEO consultancy service aims to bring visitors to the website at the right time with the right methods. As it is known, SEO consists of the initials of the words Search Engine Optimization, which means search engine optimization. All of the studies carried out based on the current criteria determined by the search engines are within the scope of SEO service. Experts who determine the path a website will follow in making it compatible with search engines are also people who provide SEO consultancy services.

Who is an SEO Consultant?

SEO consultants, called SEO experts, are people who have up-to-date and comprehensive information about search engines. Today, when you think of a search engine, Google comes to mind. However, there are also search engines that have a wide range of uses. An SEO consultant is an expert who makes a website compatible with the current criteria and algorithms set by these engines. An SEO consultant provides the service to rank the website in the following search engines:

  • Google
  • Yandex
  • Yahoo
  • bing

These search engines are among the most popular sites in the web world and have millions of users. Therefore, the website needs SEO consultancy in order to meet these users in the web world on a common ground. The SEO consultant is responsible for the compatibility studies from the moment the website is set up until it is put into use and afterwards.

What is Corporate SEO Consulting?

Professional SEO service means that experts support the website to rank higher than its competitors in the industry. Each search engine has algorithms and criteria that it uses in certain periods. Paying attention to these criteria in the light of current data and making the website compatible with them is one of the fields of SEO consultancy. However, corporate SEO consultancy aims to have websites ranked higher in search engine results compared to their competitors in the sector.

In the simplest definition, the website of a company serving in the corporate field should also be compatible with its corporate values. Therefore, all details such as the domain name, web design, code software, theme, colors, font, contents and images of the site should be compatible with the corporate identity. While designing the website, which is a part of corporate identity design, in accordance with these criteria, it is necessary to make moves that will stand out in the sector. This is where “keyword analysis” and “SEO strategy” come into play.

What Does an SEO Consultant Do?

The SEO specialist aims to reach more users and increase the number of organic visitors for a website. That’s why it makes all the changes from A-Z to make the website useful and SEO compatible. These are the areas that the SEO consultant will show compatibility with criteria such as the opening speed of the site, domain and server services, web design. It is possible to list the job description of the SEO consultant as follows:

  • Determines the web marketing strategy.
  • Complements web analytics reports.
  • Plans the content strategy.
  • It does link building, that is, backlink work.
  • Identifying and using keywords.
  • It makes the site useful with professional content management.

SEO expertise or consultancy, which is gaining popularity in World, is a very comprehensive and specialized job. All the operations carried out within the scope of SEO consultancy ultimately increase website traffic in search engines such as Google. The more a business prioritizes its website in the web world, the higher the number of users and the return rate will be.

What Services Does SEO Consulting Cover?

Services, which can be summarized as SEO consultancy areas, include efforts to make the website stand out more. The SEO consultant analyzes the missing aspects of the website with his knowledge and experience in the industry. The SEO consultant, who opens the e-commerce or corporate website of the business to more users, thus adds brand value to the company. Some of the services that should be done professionally within the scope of SEO consultancy are as follows:

  • On-page SEO consultancy (On page SEO)
  • Off-page SEO consultancy (Off-page SEO)
  • Technical SEO consulting
  • SEO compatible content management consultancy

An experienced and expert SEO consultant uses up-to-date information and past experience while serving in these areas. Therefore, the SEO specialist should not only do the work by rote, but should have information about the current algorithm changes. People who do not follow the developments in their own sector closely cannot achieve effective results in a short time by applying old and known methods.

What are SEO Consultant Duties?

SEO specialist tasks are projects aimed at getting more clicks and increasing the number of active visitors for the website he is working on. The more organic users a website reaches, the more profits the business will make. Whether on e-commerce sites or corporate websites, SEO-oriented projects attract more users than others. In general, some of the tasks that an expert SEO consultant should do are:

  • Preparing analysis and reports according to on-site SEO criteria
  • Monitoring and reporting works in the field of technical SEO
  • Preparing the backlink profile of the website
  • Using professional SEO tools
  • Presenting creative ideas on conversion optimization
  • Making existing content on the website SEO compatible
  • Entering new SEO-compatible and keyword-focused content on the site
  • Analyzing and reporting keyword ranking performance

As you can see, SEO consultancy includes the most necessary processes in search engine optimization of websites. SEO-oriented studies should be done to ensure that a website rank higher than its competitors in search engine results. According to the ever-changing Google algorithms, up-to-date SEO tools should be used and algorithm changes should be followed closely.

What Tools Does an SEO Consultant Use?

Professional SEO tools are used to make the website compatible with search engine criteria with paid or free versions. As every user or website owner who is closely interested in SEO knows, there are some Google-focused SEO tools. Apart from these, there are professional tools that show the progress of SEO work and help experts in various issues. In general, among the professional SEO tools that the SEO consultant can choose according to his working style, the following stand out:

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Speed Test
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • Moz Analytics
  • semrush
  • Screaming Frog
  • Seo Monitor
  • Ahrefs

What should an SEO Consultant Never Do?

What an SEO expert should not do is ensure that a website rank high on Google without being damaged. Even if many people do not have enough expertise in this field, they can harm sites by claiming to be SEO consultants. Here are some of the things an SEO consultant should never do:

  • Making spammy backlinks
  • Using duplicate texts in site content
  • Not following algorithm updates
  • Using workarounds to speed up the site
  • Implementing Black Hat SEO tactics

How Much Do SEO Consulting Fees?

SEO consultancy prices may vary depending on the current state of the website and the actions to be taken. The agency’s own service quality is also one of the important criteria that determines SEO consultancy fees. The work to be considered in SEO consultancy service is to be done by experienced and successful people. The consulting fee of SEO experts who use professional SEO tools and approach their customers with a solution-oriented approach can be above average.

Is E-Commerce SEO Consulting Useful?

SEO consultancy on shopping sites is a very useful and commercially profitable process. Software and in-site design have a great impact on the SEO-focused e-commerce site. Since shopping sites that have not done enough work on SEO will fall behind their competitors, companies may face loss of customers. Businesses that set up an SEO-focused e-commerce site can reach much more users and sales than their competitors.

While doing SEO work on e-commerce sites, product images and product descriptions should be given importance. When the images are of high quality and attractive, it will be easier for the users to stay on the site longer. In addition, when there are features that encourage the consumer to buy, it is possible to get more sales and commercial gains. In this respect, the number of customers of an SEO-focused shopping site not only increases, but also the sales figures. In this way, the business can earn high income from sales over the internet.

Why is an SEO Consultant Necessary?

Without an SEO expert, it is almost impossible for a website to stand out in a popular search engine like Google. Because Google not only changes the criteria that websites must comply with from time to time, but also makes new updates. Therefore, website owners cannot be informed about the algorithm changes that search engine giants like Google make constantly. On websites that seek professional support in this regard, they go through SEO consultants who are experts in the field of solutions and have developed themselves. Thanks to the SEO consultant, the company’s website can leave its competitors behind in search engine results and reach more users.

How to Tell the Experience of an SEO Consultant?

It is impossible to benefit your website without the experience of an SEO expert. In addition, if SEO consultants do not have sufficient knowledge and experience in this field, it can create very serious problems. Because SEO studies can cause a website to lose ranking as well as move a website to the top in search engine results. In other words, while it is possible to rank on some sites without any intervention, it may become worse than this level due to faulty SEO work.

In order not to encounter such problems, you should be very careful when choosing the people you will receive SEO consultancy services. People who are experts in their field and who have been doing Google search engine-oriented SEO for many years can produce positive solutions for your website. At the same time, the SEO specialist should constantly improve himself and have an idea about the current algorithm information. It is not difficult to distinguish SEO consultants who provide such experience and knowledge-oriented services from others.

SEO Consulting Service

By getting professional SEO consultancy services, you can ensure that your website outperforms competitors in the industry. However, since SEO efficiency and planning will be different for each site, it may take different times to see results. When you want to sign the most efficient SEO works in a short time, you can get support from a professional team. Experienced people in SEO consulting can make your website more popular and useful.

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